Penetration Testing Services

Australian Owned and Operated

We find the entry points before the bad guys.

At Aurian Security, we strive to deliver niche and tailored security solutions to best meet your business needs. Aurian was founded on the belief that independent security consulting, when well communicated and delivered professionally, plays a vital role in managing an organisation’s risk profile and security posture.

Penetration testing, by definition, is an authorised cyberattack on computer systems, and applies the same tools and techniques used by real attackers to compromise systems and gain unauthorised access to corporate networks. To ensure the best results and most complete coverage, our testers use all the same techniques — including highly sophisticated manual efforts — to compromise the target and reveal real-world opportunities for hackers to do the same.

Our more than eight years of combine experience ensures that our results provide critical information that helps organisations make data-driven decisions that optimise internal resources, helping them navigate the current cybersecurity landscape with a roadmap to remediation.

Network Penetration Testing

Our network penetration testing exercises will reveal real-world opportunities for hackers to be able to compromise your systems and networks in such a way that allows for unauthorised access to sensitive data or even system hijacking for malicious and non-legitimate purposes.

Application Penetration Testing

Our application penetration testing exercises determine access paths for attackers to be able to compromise your applications and gain unauthorised access to sensitive data or take control of the underlying operating system.

Social Engineering Penetration Testing

We create a completely unique, tailored social engineering campaign for each client.
This can include phishing, phone calls impersonating legitimate staff members and pre-texting in order to entice users to perform actions that will provide us with unauthorised access to corporate systems.

Physical Penetration Testing

Physical security is just as important as cyber security, and by ignoring the former, you undermine the latter.
If the servers holding critical business information are not physically secure, neither is the data contained within them.

Our Expert Consults Hold

Industry Leading Certifications

Offensive Security Certified Expert
Offensive Security Certified Professional
Offensive Security Wireless Professional
AWS Certified Solutions Architect

Government Approved

Aurian Security is proud to be recognised as an approved supplier of security testing and consulting services to Australian Government clients.

Our extensive experience in working with the public sector — from local through to State and Federal departments and agencies — means we understand the unique needs of these clients and can offer targeted advice and solutions that can help governments achieve measurable improvements in their security posture.

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